How to use teamviewer host assignment tool
How to use teamviewer host assignment tool

how to use teamviewer host assignment tool

The system administrator must set up the computer that is running Dragon as the host.In order to use Dragon this way, the following must be in place: This is referred to as "remote dictation." Before you begin You can dictate into Dragon even when it is not installed on your computer. You can also group your PCs accordingly.Dictating over a remote desktop connection Personally I hate it when items appear or disappear from any list, and so now they won't. Go to "EXTRAS", "Computers and Contacts", and UN-Check: "Offline Computers in a Separate Group". To correct this oversight and see all your PCs if are logged in or not" NOTE: Unless that PC is on and logged in, you will NOT see that PC in the list to the right of the UI. To the right of that UI, you'll see a list of all the PCs you own, have in your contacts, or have been given access to. Then simply log in as that user on each machine, which is set to autostart with Windows. Go to "EXTRAS", "GENERAL", and then "ASSIGN that PC to your new username". AFTER you have created an account username, on each PC, set a different password for each PC. With this one username, you can then log into any PC you "assigned" to that username, without typing that PC's remote access password. So you won't have to remember separate passwords for each PC, I'd strongly suggest you create a login account from their website. Don't click on "Grant Easy Access", unless you understand it. To set this password, simply go to the Main UI, under "EXTRAS"., "Security"., and add your password. Whoever has this password, has complete access to your PC, by definition. You must set an "UN-ATTENDED PASSWORD", also called a "Personal Password", which doesn't change, and should also be reasonably complex. Every time you log into that PC using that PW, it is NOT changed automatically, by default and design, but instead when the application is restarted for any reason. TeamViewer's Main UI shows an ID and only a 6 character TEMPORARY password by default. Long Answer: (This presumes the intent was to Repeatedly and Reliably reconnect). The user resets the random password by hitting the spinner, just to the left of the password, (hover to see the spinner).

how to use teamviewer host assignment tool

TeamViewer 10 installs with a random 6 digit password, which is reset each time:

How to use teamviewer host assignment tool